Liz and I were able to be home for spring break the week of March 22-26. We didn't do a whole lot because we all had previous commitments and the boys had school, but we did manage to do a few important things:
3. In addition, a reporter from the SnoValley Star came out to interview us and take pictures of GG (in her sad state on sawhorses) and we appeared in the April 8th edition, which can be viewed at this address: We were all really excited.
After the end of that week we closed her up and haven't been able to do much since then. Liz and I are planning on being home the end of May and hopefully we can do some more work during the month of June while the boys are still in school. Then it's summer time and work from sunrise to sunset! :)
Recent Developments:

We were also approved for the formation of Redneck Airlines, LLC, which was VERY exciting. At right is just after the auspicious occasion of Liz and I signing the Redneck Airlines LLC Operating Agreement! It's official! Now we can't be sued for all we're worth if we run into someone's barn!
Today, Mom got a call from a reporter from KOMO TV and they want to do a multi-segment piece on GG and her journey from start to finish! We're all still in shock, but are really excited that we're moving to the big time. Maybe we'll be on CNN next, and then Hollywood! You never know. We all have high aspirations for our little GG. :)
That's all for now (and probably for a month or so), but we'll be sure to keep you updated a little more often and apprised of the developing news story!
Redneck Airlines, LLC.