09 March 2010

And the fairy dust wears off...

So today, we all got emails that detailed the various problems that need to be done to the General, things to be fixed, modified, tweaked, added, etc.  Just little things, like removing the radio that is illegal, fixing the heading indicator because it spins, and many other itty bitty little things. :)  Oh well, at least we have an airplane.

We also got our first bill today, which isn't a lot, but just goes to show, airplanes are money pits.  Enjoyable, but money pits.  In looking back however, we can be pretty thankful that it only cost around $100 to get the General up here from Boise.  Pretty cheap, considering the cost it took to get the Trinidad there and back (which will remain unnamed, for the sake of all those reading this).

In happier business, we're all trying to decide how to paint her.  I say pink with rainbows and unicorns, but for some reason Brian, Liz and Kevin didn't go for it.  I wonder why...  Mom and Boppa like the idea of painting it in Grumman colors so it'll make her easier to sell in the future, to which Brian, Kevin and I (and Liz from a distance) all gave them astonished looks and shrieked, "since when are we going to sell her?!"  The nerve of some people.  The only thing we can all agree on is the we're going to repaint the teeth back on, probably in the same sort of way that Spitfires have teeth on the cowling.  Otherwise, we're stuck.  Maybe we should just have each member paint their respective parts, Kevin the left wing, Brian the fuselage, Liz the cowling and me the right wing.  At least that way we'll get it done, and it'll definitely be a unique airplane! :)  Hopefully we'll have a decision made by spring break (March 22-26) so we can paint it during that week.  *fingers crossed*

More news as it comes,

Redneck Airlines

06 March 2010


The General made it!!  Arrived this afternoon at 5:38 PM Pacific time.  Beautiful landing, great weather, lots of people, good food. :)

At right is the General in Boppa and Gramma's driveway, surrounded by people and soon-to-be pilots.  From left to right is Maddie, two friends, Morgan (Maddie's sister, in green), Laura, Kevin, Brian, Fernando in the back, Zach, and Ian.

From the beginning: they made it to Boise, lived up to their stereotypes of stupid boys, found the keys, and got off the ground.  They then made fuel stops in Baker City and The Dalles (Oregon) before making the final leg to Fall City.

Brian was texting with Mom frequently throughout the trip, and at one point noted that the General was ahead of them (Bruce, Kevin and Brian in the Trinidad) and that they needed to catch up.  So they did.  Mom asked if they took a picture as they were going by.  Brian said no, they were going too fast. :)  Poor GG... not the fastest plane in the sky, but definitely the most loved!

Well now that she's home (whew, big sigh of relief), we're now noticing how much work she needs.  The radio doesn't work (in fact it's out of date and illegal), half the instruments don't work, the paint is peeling and faded (New Mexico heat), and the interior leaves something to be desired.  Short of winning the lottery or robbing a bank (or two), we've got our work cut out for us!  Ah well, she'll be worth it in the end.

With smiles and sighs of relief,

Redneck Airlines

On it's way!!

This morning, Dad drove Brian and Kevin up to Arlington and the 4 boys took off in the Trinidad around 8am.  They arrived just before 11 this morning to find GG still tied down in Boise.  After several texts back and forth between Mom and Brian, with several, "those idiots!" from Mom, they finally got everything figured out (aka they found the keys; idiots indeed).

They left the ground with clear skies and a very good forecast for the rest of the day around 12:49pm.  We just got a call, and they're apparently an hour outside of Baker City, OR following I84 towards home.

Smiles and good wishes from Fall City,

Redneck Airlines

03 March 2010

Maybe for real this time!

So, we may finally have all of the factors we need coming together this weekend... the insurance, the pilot, the weather, the schedule.  Saturday could be the day people!!  But of course, take this with a grain of salt... I'm mean after all how many times before have we said, "this is the time," and then nothing happens.

But this time could be the time! :)  So do your sun dances/good luck dances/other kinds of dances,

Redneck Airlines