So today, we all got emails that detailed the various problems that need to be done to the General, things to be fixed, modified, tweaked, added, etc. Just little things, like removing the radio that is illegal, fixing the heading indicator because it spins, and many other itty bitty little things. :) Oh well, at least we have an airplane.
We also got our first bill today, which isn't a lot, but just goes to show, airplanes are money pits. Enjoyable, but money pits. In looking back however, we can be pretty thankful that it only cost around $100 to get the General up here from Boise. Pretty cheap, considering the cost it took to get the Trinidad there and back (which will remain unnamed, for the sake of all those reading this).
In happier business, we're all trying to decide how to paint her. I say pink with rainbows and unicorns, but for some reason Brian, Liz and Kevin didn't go for it. I wonder why... Mom and Boppa like the idea of painting it in Grumman colors so it'll make her easier to sell in the future, to which Brian, Kevin and I (and Liz from a distance) all gave them astonished looks and shrieked, "since when are we going to sell her?!" The nerve of some people. The only thing we can all agree on is the we're going to repaint the teeth back on, probably in the same sort of way that Spitfires have teeth on the cowling. Otherwise, we're stuck. Maybe we should just have each member paint their respective parts, Kevin the left wing, Brian the fuselage, Liz the cowling and me the right wing. At least that way we'll get it done, and it'll definitely be a unique airplane! :) Hopefully we'll have a decision made by spring break (March 22-26) so we can paint it during that week. *fingers crossed*
More news as it comes,
Redneck Airlines
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